
Protection of personal data is among the top priorities of Elif BİRAV (Elif MISIRLI brand-owned company), which manages the website located at

1.Customer Identification Information (Name-Surname, Gender, TCKN / VKN, Membership information, Date of birth)
2. Contact Information (Contact / Billing address, Address information, Email address, Phone number)

Website Usage Data (Likes, Identification (cookie) information, Web beacons information)

1. Your personal data such as Service Subject Information (Shopping details, Shopping history)

Registration of users through the website,
Verification of users,
Measuring and developing the service quality related to customer satisfaction and support process, managing customer satisfaction processes,
Customer management, development of after-sales services and after-sales processes, evaluation of problem / error notification,
Recording information to evaluate the service,
It will be processed for the purpose of carrying out promotional, marketing and promotional activities.

Your personal data may be transferred to social media channels, to companies that we have an agreement on sending commercial electronic messages, to marketing companies, program partner organizations, suppliers, domestic and international organizations that we are related to, with limited and proportional purposes.

I accept the processing of my personal data as stated above with my express consent.
Mersis no:


Protection of personal data is among the most important priorities of Elif BRAV. Personal data;

Being in compliance with the law and honesty rules,
Being accurate and up-to-date when necessary,
Processing for specific, clear and legitimate purposes,
Being limited and restrained in relation to the purposes of processing,
Safe preservation for as long as prescribed in the relevant legislation or required and legal for processing purposes
We declare that we operate within the framework of its principles. We present this information in order to enlighten you about the protection of personal data and to fulfill our obligation of illumination as Data Officer within the scope of Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) No. 6698.

Personal Data Processed

Customer Identification Information (Name-Surname, Gender, TCKN / VKN, Membership information, Password, Date of birth)
Contact Information (Contact / Billing address, Address information, Email address, Phone number)
Website Usage Data (Likes, Identification (cookie) information, Web beacons information)
Service Subject Information (Shopping details, Shopping history)

Personal Data Processing Purposes

Registration of users through the website,
Verification of users,
Communication with users,
Performance of the obligations undertaken in accordance with the distance sales contract,
Selling and collecting,
Preparation of all records, documents and invoices that will be based on the transactions,
Measuring and developing the service quality related to customer satisfaction and support process, managing customer satisfaction processes, developing customer management, after sales services and after sales processes, evaluating problem / error notification,
Detection and prevention of fraud, risk management and control activities for auditing and control processes,
Execution of the accounting process,
Execution and development of operational activities,
Performing the processes carried out with payment service providers,
Internal evaluation,
Providing information on the issues related to public security in requests from legal authorities,
Carrying out security, operations, reporting and statistical activities,
Meeting legal obligations and exercising the rights arising from the legislation in force,
Recording information to evaluate the service,
Carrying out promotional, marketing and promotional activities.

Legal Reason for Personal Data Processing and Method of Collection

Your personal data, as stated in article 5 of the Law;

  1. a) You have clear consent.
    b) Clearly stipulated in the law.
    c) The processing of personal data belonging to the parties to the contract is necessary, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.
    ç) It is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation.
    d) Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right.
    e) Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned.

Based on legal reasons, visits to our Company, written / digital applications, using our website, calling our phone numbers, social media and other verbal, written or electronic media, can be collected by automatic or non-automatic methods.

Transfer of Personal Data

The Personal Data Processing Objectives of the “Personal Data Processing Purposes” of the personal data to the administrative and official authorities, transportation companies, audit / consultancy companies, company shareholders, institutions that we have agreements on sending commercial electronic messages, program partner organizations, suppliers, financial institutions, domestic and foreign organizations. Will be able to transmit limited and proportionate to the objectives in the title.

Rights According to the Law on Protection of Personal Data

According to the 11th article of the KVK Law, by applying to our Company, it is related to you;

Learning whether personal data is processed,
If personal data is processed, requesting information about it,
Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose,
To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
Requesting correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the legal causes that require processing disappear.
Requesting notification of transactions made in accordance with subparagraphs (e) and (f) to third parties to whom personal data are transferred,
To object to the emergence of a result against the person by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
Request the removal of the damage in case the personal data is damaged due to illegal processing of the data
you have the rights.

In accordance with the 11th article of the Law that regulates the rights of the person concerned, in accordance with the “Communiqué Regarding the Application Procedures and Principles for Data Supervisor”, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or e-mail address ……. You can forward it by using your e-mail address that has been reported and registered in our system.

Central Address:

Web site:
E-mail address: